Coordinating teachers: Massimo Peiretti, Alberto Jona
1. Addressed participants
The courses is addressed to a maximum of 28 candidates of all nationalities from age 18 to 35.
The minimum number to activate the course is 16 candidates.
2. Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to attain a high level of vocal and interpretative technique related to the symphonic and opera choral repertoire. It includes face-to-face and group lessons, as well as, diction lessons stage and choreographed movement training. The course includes intense work experience by participating to opera productions of the Coccia Theatre of Novara, thus allowing to live the direct experience of the stage.
3. Duration
The course will take place at the Teatro Coccia in Novara and will be divided into several not continuous periods starting from October 2022 to October 2023. Lessons will be planned in accordance with the theater’s schedule, with particular attention to musical theater productions and alongside with other courses’ classes. In case of course’s interruption "due to force majeure" we will proceed with Distance Learning mode through the dedicated online platform for theoretical lessons, while practical lessons and work experience periods will be postponed.
4. Training program
The course will be divided in 24 days of theoretical and practical lessons.
The study program is aimed to train opera and symphony choir professionals by deepening the necessary skills for choral activity, and by studying necessary repertoire required at the auditions for choir singers by the main opera houses. The study program includes:
Classes held by Maestro Massimo Peiretti
- Strengthening of melodic and rhythmic reading, ear training;
- Music for vocal ensembles and opera and symphonic choir repertoire
- Polyphonic cappella singing
- Introduction to score analysis
Classes held by Alberto Jona
- Introduction to musical drama
- Basic techniques and training for body movements;
- Gesturality and stage movement;
- Using voice in connection to space and to stage movement
In addition to those two course segments there will be
- Work experience in the opera productions of the Coccia Theatre in Novara.
- The classes calendar will be communicated after the outcome of the admission
The calendar may have variations and changes that will be promptly communicated to the students.
Students selected to participate in the opera productions of the Theatre will receive a cachet that will be communicated after each opera selection.
5. Application procedure for selection
In order to be admitted to the selection it is necessary to send the following documents by e-mail (subject of the e-mail "AMO - CORSO CORO LIRICO"):
- Completed application form (attachment A) with copy F/B of your ID and SSN;
*For foreigners is also required to send documents of stay; - Detailed educational and artistic curriculum;
- Receipt of payment by bank transfer in favour of Fondazione Teatro Carlo Coccia di Novara IBAN IT 80 X 05034 10100 000000042424 of the application fee of € 40,00 (IVA included).
6. Selection
Students who will have passed the preselection will be able to participate in the live audition that will be held at the Teatro Coccia in Novara during the first days of October.
For live auditions, the candidates will have to prepare two arias with a cantabile or portamento style, taken from the opera repertoire from the eighteenth century to the present day. They will also have to perform a contrapuntal extract taken from the polyphonic repertoire, at the candidate's choice. The audition will also focus on the execution of vocalizations and sight readings, at the choice of the committee, and on the candidate's musical study and experience so far achieved.
A piano accompanist for the audition will be available upon request of the candidate during the registration; it is mandatory to send a copy of the audition programs per e-mail and to also carry a copy for the pianist o the audition day.
It is the candidate's right to be accompanied, at his own expense, by his pianist
7. Deadlines and time limits
The applications which will include all necessary documents (listed under point five of this document) must reach the following e-mail address until and not beyond 24:00 GMT 1 of the 29th of September 2022:
The names of the candidates eligible for selection will be communicated in the first days of October by e-mail;
At the end of the auditions the names of the candidates admitted to the course will be communicate via e-mail.
8. Cost and conditions of participation
The participation fee for all admitted students is:
- € 800,00 (VAT is included)
- € 600,00 (VAT is included) for Conservatory students.
The participation fee must be paid in 4 installments of € 200,00 each by bank transfer in favor of Fondazione Teatro Carlo Coccia di Novara IBAN IT 80 X 05034 10100 000000042424. After the payment it’s mandatory to send the receipt to:
Deadline of the four installments: 1/11/2022 - 1/12/2022 – 1/02/2023 – 1/04/2023
If the installments are not regularly paid within the indicated deadlinses, the course attendance will be interrupted.
The costs of board and accommodation will be borne by the students, who will be able to take advantage of discounts that the Teatro Coccia Foundation has stipulated with hotels and restaurants in the city.
Attendance of the course is mandatory for a minimum of 80% both for the theoretical-practical hours and for the work experience, for which the active participation of all the students of the course is required. This frequency will also be necessary for participation in any productions of the Theatre.
Any requirements that may partially compromise participation in lectures and productions must be communicated to the secretariat of the academy.
Students will have the opportunity, through a special subscription, to participate as an audience in all the shows on the program of the season of the Teatro Coccia in Novara