Home / Accademia Amo / Courses / Theatrical makeup and hairstyle

Theatrical makeup and hairstyle

Faculty: Chiara Sofia Drossoforidis

1. Recipients

The course open to a maximum of 6 in-person candidates and 6 online candidates of any nationality between 18 and 30 years old.

2. Purpose of the course

The course is designed to train professionals who, integrated into the production and staging of theatrical, television, or cinema performances, create make-up and hairstyles (including special effects, hairpieces, and wigs). They cover every step from the initial concept, in collaboration with the costume designer and director, to the performance, ensuring a smooth run (e.g., quick changes, touchups, etc.). The training program includes the maintenance phase, as well as the archiving and preservation of the products. It is structured to develop specific skills through a comprehensive approach that includes historical, technical (fundamentals of hair and make-up, special effects, knowledge of materials and equipment), and artistic learning (study of the evolution of historical hairstyles and material processing techniques). Additionally, the program covers safety precautions for using and applying various materials, ensuring the safety of both the make-up artist and the model, in compliance with the latest COVID-19 regulations. The learning process is enhanced by various periods of work experience, including shadowing the manager of the make-up department to observe the different phases of organization and division of work at the Coccia Theatre.

3. Duration

The course will take place at the Coccia Theater in Novara and will be divided into non-continuous modules from January 2025 to July 2025, with a handout provided for each module. At the end of each module, an assessment of the acquired skills will be conducted. The lessons will be held at the Coccia Theater and scheduled in accordance with the Theater's programming, with particular attention to opera productions, on days to be agreed upon based on needs and availability. For those unable to attend the theoretical-practical lessons in person, it will be possible to follow the course online, except for the work experience hours, which must be completed at the Theater during specific performances. In the event of an interruption of the course due to force majeure, Distance Learning will be implemented via a dedicated online platform for theoretical lessons, while practical lessons and work experience periods will be postponed. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate of attendance, subject to meeting the conditions outlined in point 8 of this open call.

4. Training program
The course will consist of 100 hours of theoretical and practical instruction, complemented by 20 days of work experience. The curriculum is designed to introduce participants to the working methods and specific techniques of a stage make-up artist. Centered on the role of the theatrical make-up artist, the training ensures participants are well-prepared to contribute to the 2025 season productions. Additionally, the skills acquired can serve as a foundation for further specialization in techniques used in television and cinema.

5. Application procedure

To access the selection, good manual skills and excellent knowledge of the Italian language are required. It will be necessary to send the following documents by email (subject of the email “AMO – COURSE ON THEATRICAL MAKE-UP AND HAIRSTYLING”):

  • Completed registration form (attachment A) with copy of the identity document and tax code;

NB: (foreigners are also required to send valid visa / permit of stay, or adequate documentation certifying their renewal);

  • Detailed educational and artistic curriculum;
  • Payment receipt by bank transfer to Fondazione Teatro Carlo Coccia di Novara IBAN IT 80 X 05034 10100 000000042424 of the registration fee of € 40,00 (VAT included).
    NB. Bank commission costs are entirely borne by the candidates.

Email address: segreteria.amo@fondazioneteatrococcia.it

ATTENTION: all the files requested above must be sent in PDF format (NO PHOTOS), complete and correct. Any incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration.

6. Selection

Students deemed suitable through the evaluation of their CV by the Teacher will be able to participate in an interview which will be held at the Coccia Theater in Novara at the end of October 2024.

7. Deadlines and terms
  • no later than midnight GMT+1 on Tuesday 01 October 2024 applications for admission, accompanied by what is indicated in point 5, must be sent to the email address amo@fondazioneteatrococcia.it
  • by Wednesday 16 October 2024, candidates eligible for selection will be notified of the day and time of the interview via email;
  • at the end of the interviews the names of the candidates admitted to the course will be communicated.
8. Costs and conditions of participation

The annual participation fee for the course for admitted students is € 950,00 (VAT included). Each student will have to equip themselves with the necessary materials, a list of which will be provided.

The participation fee must be paid in 2 installments of € 475,00 each by bank transfer in favor of Fondazione Teatro Carlo Coccia di Novara IBAN IT 80 X 05034 10100 000000042424 and sending the receipt of payment to the e-mail address segreteria.amo@fondazioneteatrococcia.it

1st installment deadline: by 18 December 2024
2nd installment deadline: by 27 February 2025

It is specified that if the installments are not regularly paid within the indicated terms, attendance at the course will be interrupted.

Students residing outside the regions of Piedmont and Lombardy will be able to take advantage of the 2025 accommodation agreements.

Attendance at the course is mandatory both for the theoretical hours and for the exercises with and without a teacher, for which the active participation of all students on the course is required. This frequency will also be necessary for work experience periods within any Theater productions. Any needs that may partially compromise participation in lessons and productions must be communicated to the academy secretariat.

Through special promotions, students will have the opportunity to attend the season's scheduled shows at the Coccia Theater in Novara as audience members.

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