Home / Accademia Amo / Courses / Horn


Coordinating teacher: Roberto Miele

1. Applicants

The course is open to any candidates of any nationality. No age limit restrictions involved.

2. Purpose of the course

The course, based on individual and group classes, aims at the study and practice of the horn’s repertoire.

3. Duration

The course will be held at Teatro Coccia in Novara from November 2023 to October 2024, during a non -continuous period. Lessons will be planned in accordance with the Teacher. At the end of the course, a certificate of attendance will be issued, upon a correct following of the procedures as described at point 8 (see below).

4. Training program

The course deals with the study of the horn’s repertoire, both in the orchestral and in the solist fields.

The course is held by Maestro Roberto Miele, actual member of Orchestra del Tea-tro alla Scala and member of Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala.

The calendar of meetings will be shared after the outcome of admission.
The calendar may be subject to changes that will be promptly communicated to students.

5. Application procedure for selection

In order to be admitted to the selection, it will be necessary to send by e-mail (subject of the e-mail "AMO - CORSO DI CORNO") the following documents:

  • - Completed application form (attachment A) with photocopy F/R of your ID and fi-scal code (for foreigners, it is also required to send documents of stay that are valid for the period of class);
  • Detailed educational and artistic curriculum;
  • - Receipt of payment by bank transfer in favour of Fondazione Teatro Carlo Coccia di Novara IBAN IT 80 X 05034 10100 000000042424 of the application fee of € 40,00 (iva included).

E-mail address segreteria.amo@fondazioneteatrococcia.it

6. Selection

Selections will involve the curriculum; the Teacher may ask for a live audition at Teatro Coccia in Novara. Candidates are requested to perform 4 different pieces of repertoire. The accompanying pianist for the live audition will be provided by the Theatre upon speci-fic request of the candidates during the application form’s submission. Before the live aui-dition, it is requested that candidates send a copy of the music by e-mail and that the same music is handed to the accompanying pianist on the day of the live audition. Can-didates are entitled to have a personal accompanying pianist of choice for the live audi-tion (at their own expense).

7. Deadlines and time limits
  • by and no later than 24:00 GMT+1 on October 31, 2023 the applications for admission, accompanied by what is indicated in point 5, must be sent to the e-mail ad-dress segreteria.amo@fondazioneteatrococcia.it
  • by November 3, 2023 suitable candidates will be notified of the date and time of the audition by e-mail;
  • in October 2023 the auditions will be held at the Teatro Coccia in Novara;
  • at the end of the auditions the names of the candidates admitted to the course will be communicated.
8.Costs and conditions to participation

The course allows candidates to choose between two options, according to the amount of classes to be taken:
- 12 classes (annual course fee at € 500,00)
- 20 classes (annual course fee at € 800,00)

The participation fee must be paid in 2 installments of € 250,00 or € 400,00 each by bank transfer in fa-vor of Fondazione Teatro Carlo Coccia di Novara IBAN IT 80 X 05034 10100 000000042424 and sending the receipt of payment to the e-mail address segreteria.amo@fondazioneteatrococcia.it

Deadline 1° installment: within the first day of lesson.
Deadline 2° installment: by January 2024.
It is specified that if the installments are not regularly paid within the specified time, will be interrupted attendance at the course.

The costs of food and acomodation will be at the expense of the students, who can benefit of the agreements that Teatro Coccia Foundation has entered into with hotels and restau-rants in the city.

Frequency in the course is required for a minimum of 80%. Any needs that may partially compromise participation to the lessons and productions must be communicated to the secretariat of the Academy.

The students will have the opportunity, thanks to a special membership, to participate as an audience to all the performances of the Teatro Coccia season.

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